Articles on: Orders

How to enter valid data under Sender and Pickup

In this section, you will enter details about the sender and the pickup location for the order.


Company name (Enter sender company name)
Address (Enter pickup address)
You can add coordinates by clicking creating geo coordinates using the latitude and longitude values.

Extra address info (Enter extra address If needed)
Contact person (Enter the sender name)
Prefix (Enter the country code of the sender phone number)
Phone number (Enter the sender phone number remaining digits without the country code)
Email (Enter the sender email)
Checkbox of Proof of Pickup email on pickup (if its selected, email will be sent to recipient upon pickup with POD, signature, and picture)
Checkbox of Active SMS service (If you enable active sms service activated)

Remember: To activate the SMS feature, you need to have a subscription for this service. If you don't have a subscription, the SMS activation feature will not work. Please contact Dropboy to inquire about adding this service to your subscription.

Checkbox of Drive now (If you enabled, sms will be sent to the recipient regarding the 'Drive Now' when the driver starts the trip for hub task)
Checkbox of Task Status (if you enabled, sms will be sent to recipient about 'Task Status')

Comment box (Add comment if needed)
Checkbox of Save address info (Select if you want to save address info)
Checkbox of Sender and pickup location are the same (If you unchecked, please read below information)
If the checkbox are unchecked, separate fields for sender and pickup information will be displayed, requiring you to provide the necessary details separately.
Date Calender (Select the date from the calendar that appears)
You will see two time selectors(Before selecting the time, please read mention below information)
1) If no time is selected, the driver has flexibility to pick up the order at any time. 2) Selecting a time from the first time selector allows the driver to pick up the order after the selected time. 3) Choosing a time from the second time selector means the driver can pick up the order before the selected time. 4) Selecting times from both selectors allows the driver to pick up the order within the specified time range.

Click on the icon located on the right side of the time selector
This icon displays your saved date and time, allowing you to save new selections for future orders.

Time Window must be met (if you select checkbox it means the driver must follow the designated time)

Related Articles:
How to enter data valid data under Receiver and Delivery
How to enter valid data under Cargo items
How to enter valid data under General Information
How to select order mode under Assignment

Do you know that you can add your own custom fields while creating an order? Please refer to the article for more information. How to add custom field on order creation page

Do you know that you can see most recent created? Please refer to the article for more information. How can you view the 10 recent orders on order creation page

Do you know that you can re-check order details? Please refer to the article for more information. How to double-check the order details under summary section

Check the app's status here. If you can't access Dropboy, chat or report issues

Updated on: 31/10/2023

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