Articles on: Orders

How can you view the 10 recent orders on order creation page

In this section, you will learn How can you view the 10 recent orders on order creation page. it will help to ensure which orders you have created recently.


Open the order creation page.

Below the cancel and confirm buttons, you will see the 10 most recently created orders under "Newest Orders" section. Each order will have an "Order Number" and "Date" displayed.

Do you know that you can add your own custom fields while creating an order? Please refer to the article for more information. How to add custom field on order creation page

Do you know that you can re-check order details? Please refer to the article for more information. How to double-check the order details under summary section

Check the app's status here. If you can't access Dropboy, chat or report issues

Updated on: 31/10/2023

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