Articles on: Routing Rules

How to create zipcode condtion routing rule

This guide offers a quick overview of how to create zipcode condtion routing rule.

Introduction Zip code-based Rules:

Zip code rules are one of five rules where your order is automatically forwarded to a selected option (i.e., trays, networks) when your specified zip code matches the order's. Additionally, two other zip code conditions exist that, if met, trigger auto-forwarding to chosen options. Let's understand these conditions and how to create a zip code-based routing rule.

These fields configure the zip code rule: 1) 'Affect orders by zip codes' 2) 'Orderstatus' 3) 'Match zip codes against'


Open the routing rule form. Follow article for more details: How to open routing rule form

Enter any name under 'Name' field. Follow article for more details: How to search routing rules with 'Name' filter

1. Enter Zip codes under 'Affect orders by zipcodes' field.

You can enter single zip codes (e.g., 2200, 3200) or ranges (e.g., 2000-3000, 3000-4000), as well as multiple combinations, using commas (,) to separate them.

After entering zip codes, they match incoming orders. Consider two more fields. If conditions here are met, orders will forward. Learn about these in steps 2 and 3.

2. Select one option from the 'Order Status' dropdown (Options: 'Disregard', 'Not picked-up or 'picked-up').

'Picked-up': indicates that the mentioned zip codes will only match orders that have been already picked up. For more information, check the article: [Exploring Only Picked-up Orders][Coming soon]
'NOT Picked-up': indicates that the defined zip codes will only match orders involving both pickup and delivery tasks. For more details, see the article: [Exploring Orders with Both Pickup and Delivery Tasks][Coming soon]
'Disregards': signifies that the mentioned zip codes will match regardless of whether the order is picked up or not. It applies to both scenarios: "Picked-up" and "NOT Picked-up"

3. Select one option from the 'Match zip codes against' dropdown (Options: 'Automatic', 'Pickup address or 'Delivery address').

'Pickup address': means that the given zip codes will only match to pickup tasks address.
'Delivery address': means that the given zip codes will only match to Delivery tasks address.
'Automatic': involves checking both pickup and delivery task addresses. If a match is found with either of these addresses, the condition becomes true.

You have successfully added and selected conditions for the zip code rule. Keep in mind that if any of the conditions are not met, the zip code rule will not be effective.

Scroll down and select the "Auto-Forwarding" option. Follow article for more details: How to select auto-forwarding option while creating routing rule

Click on 'CREATE RULE' button.

Tip: You can include multiple rules within a single routing rule.

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Updated on: 31/10/2023

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