What are the features of the "Routing Rules" tab? How can I read the "Routing Rules" articles sequentially
This guide gives a quick overview of routing rule and explains how you can use the routing rules articles to learn and apply them effectively.
Dropboy provides a 'Routing Rules' feature for automating order assignments process. You can create routing rules based on 'services,' 'tags,' 'days,' 'time,' 'zip codes,' and 'cargo' conditions. During rule creation, you need to specify the auto-forwarding option, which determines where the order goes when it matches the rule. There are three options: 'Unassigned,' 'Trays,' and 'Network.'
Routing rules are predefined conditions for your orders. When you send an order to a routing rule, it's checked against these conditions. If it matches, the rule forwards it to your chosen auto-forward option. otherwise, it remains unassigned. This eliminates the need to remember where each order should go and saves you from manual work.
Example and Diagram:

Opening Routing Rule Form: How to open routing rule form
Creating a Services Condition Routing Rule: How to create services condtion routing rule
Creating a Tags Condition Routing Rule: How to create tags condtion routing rule
Creating a Days and Time Condition Routing Rule: How to create days and time condtion routing rule
Creating a Zipcode Condition Routing Rule: How to create zipcode condtion routing rule
Creating a Cargo Condition Routing Rule: How to create cargo condtion routing rule
Choosing Auto-Forwarding Option: How to select auto-forwarding option while creating routing rule
Understanding Different Routing Rules Sections: How many types of routing rules sections are provided by Dropboy
Editing Routing Rules Conditions: How to edit routing rule conditions
Editing Auto-Forwarding Option: How to edit auto-forwarding option of a routing rule
Set Sequence: How to set sequence of routing rules using drag/drop feature
Viewing Services Information: How to view services information on routing rule
Viewing Cargo Information: How to view cargo information on routing rule
Understanding and Viewing Details: Understanding and viewing information under the routing rules tab
Deleting a Routing Rule: How to delete a routing rule
Searching Routing Rules with Name Filter: How to search routing rules with 'Name' filter
Searching Routing Rules with Zip codes Filter: How to search routing rules with 'Zip codes' filter
Searching Routing Rules with Days Filter: How to search routing rules with 'Days' filter
Searching Routing Rules with Time Filter: How to search routing rules with 'Time' filter
Searching Routing Rules with Services Filter: How to search routing rules with 'Services' fiter
Searching Routing Rules with Combination of Filter: How to search routing rules with combination of filters
Check the app's status here. If you can't access Dropboy, chat or report issues
Dropboy provides a 'Routing Rules' feature for automating order assignments process. You can create routing rules based on 'services,' 'tags,' 'days,' 'time,' 'zip codes,' and 'cargo' conditions. During rule creation, you need to specify the auto-forwarding option, which determines where the order goes when it matches the rule. There are three options: 'Unassigned,' 'Trays,' and 'Network.'
What is Routing Rule and how does it work?
Routing rules are predefined conditions for your orders. When you send an order to a routing rule, it's checked against these conditions. If it matches, the rule forwards it to your chosen auto-forward option. otherwise, it remains unassigned. This eliminates the need to remember where each order should go and saves you from manual work.
Example and Diagram:

Here are informative articles on creating various condition-based routing rules: services, tags, days, time, zip codes, and cargo-based rules, setup auto-forward option and understanding different routing rules sections
Opening Routing Rule Form: How to open routing rule form
Creating a Services Condition Routing Rule: How to create services condtion routing rule
Creating a Tags Condition Routing Rule: How to create tags condtion routing rule
Creating a Days and Time Condition Routing Rule: How to create days and time condtion routing rule
Creating a Zipcode Condition Routing Rule: How to create zipcode condtion routing rule
Creating a Cargo Condition Routing Rule: How to create cargo condtion routing rule
Choosing Auto-Forwarding Option: How to select auto-forwarding option while creating routing rule
Understanding Different Routing Rules Sections: How many types of routing rules sections are provided by Dropboy
Here are informative articles covering topics such as editing rule conditions/auto-forwarding options, setup sequences, and viewing services/cargo information
Editing Routing Rules Conditions: How to edit routing rule conditions
Editing Auto-Forwarding Option: How to edit auto-forwarding option of a routing rule
Set Sequence: How to set sequence of routing rules using drag/drop feature
Viewing Services Information: How to view services information on routing rule
Viewing Cargo Information: How to view cargo information on routing rule
Understanding and Viewing Details: Understanding and viewing information under the routing rules tab
Deleting a Routing Rule: How to delete a routing rule
Here are informative articles about searching routing rules with different filters
Searching Routing Rules with Name Filter: How to search routing rules with 'Name' filter
Searching Routing Rules with Zip codes Filter: How to search routing rules with 'Zip codes' filter
Searching Routing Rules with Days Filter: How to search routing rules with 'Days' filter
Searching Routing Rules with Time Filter: How to search routing rules with 'Time' filter
Searching Routing Rules with Services Filter: How to search routing rules with 'Services' fiter
Searching Routing Rules with Combination of Filter: How to search routing rules with combination of filters
Check the app's status here. If you can't access Dropboy, chat or report issues
Updated on: 14/11/2023
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