Why do we set locations and how does it optimize distance for drivers
This guide offers a quick overview of why we set locations and how it optimizes distance for drivers.
Dropboy offers location setting features that allow you to define default options when creating or editing a vehicle. These defaults can be adjusted from the dispatch tab. Dispatch locations take priority over defaults when specified, optimizing tasks visible in the dispatcher tab. For a deeper understanding, please read this article completely.
By choosing a location from 'Preferred hub', you define the default hub for the vehicle's driver handling via hub orders. The driver will pick up items from this specified location.

By choosing a location from 'preferred starting point for trip', you establish the default starting location for the vehicle's driver when handling A to B orders. The driver's A to B orders are optimized based on this location, with the first orders being in close proximity. Subsequent orders follow a similar pattern.

By choosing a location from 'Preferred ending point for trips', you define the default destination for the vehicle's driver when handling A to B orders. The driver's A to B orders are optimized based on this location, with the final orders being in close proximity to it.

Keep these points in mind for 'Preferred starting point for trip' and 'Preferred ending point for trip':
1. Selecting only the starting point will optimize orders sequentially. The first order will be at the top, followed by subsequent orders near the previous ones.
2. Choosing both the starting and ending points will optimize orders based on both locations, not just the starting point. The goal is to have the last order near the ending point.
3. If you only select an ending point without a starting point, orders will be optimized according to the endpoint.
'Add ending point task for vehicle' checkbox enabling means the 'Preferred ending point for trip' will be displayed on the last task tile under the 'Task List' for better visibility.

'Hide on VRP' checkbox enabling means, this vehicle will no longer appear under VRP (VIP Routing Planning) for planning visibility of vehicle details. For more details about VRP, follow this article: [What is VRP? How can I read the "VRP" article in a sequential manner] [Coming Soon]

"Make visible for drivers with the role 'Choose trip'" checkbox enabling means, this vehicle's 'task list' will be visible only to vehicles with the role access of 'Choose trip'. This means that vehicles from the mobile application can view and assign task lists from this vehicle if they have no tasks assigned. For more details, see [what is 'Choose trip' role][Coming soon].

Setting the 'start times' means that the driver is required to strictly start trips according to the specified time. You can set the Start times differently for each day of the entire week.
'Start day before' option means that if you select this checkbox for a specific day, the start time the same time will be implemented the day before. For example, if you select 'Start day before for Tuesday, it will be implemented starting from Monday. You don't need to select it for Monday separately.

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How to change 'Hub Location' for a vehicle as default
How to change 'Start Point Location' for a vehicle as default
How to set or change 'End Point Location' for a vehicle as default
How to enable 'end point location' for visibility on the task tile
How to hide a vehicle for VRP
How to enable the 'task list' of a vehicle for 'Choose trip' role vehicles
How to set any day's 'Start times' for any vehicle
How to set 'Start times' to begin from the previous day
How to create one or more duplicates of any vehicle at once
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Dropboy offers location setting features that allow you to define default options when creating or editing a vehicle. These defaults can be adjusted from the dispatch tab. Dispatch locations take priority over defaults when specified, optimizing tasks visible in the dispatcher tab. For a deeper understanding, please read this article completely.
1. Preferred Hub
By choosing a location from 'Preferred hub', you define the default hub for the vehicle's driver handling via hub orders. The driver will pick up items from this specified location.

2. Preferred starting point for trip
By choosing a location from 'preferred starting point for trip', you establish the default starting location for the vehicle's driver when handling A to B orders. The driver's A to B orders are optimized based on this location, with the first orders being in close proximity. Subsequent orders follow a similar pattern.

3. Preferred ending point for trip
By choosing a location from 'Preferred ending point for trips', you define the default destination for the vehicle's driver when handling A to B orders. The driver's A to B orders are optimized based on this location, with the final orders being in close proximity to it.

Keep these points in mind for 'Preferred starting point for trip' and 'Preferred ending point for trip':
1. Selecting only the starting point will optimize orders sequentially. The first order will be at the top, followed by subsequent orders near the previous ones.
2. Choosing both the starting and ending points will optimize orders based on both locations, not just the starting point. The goal is to have the last order near the ending point.
3. If you only select an ending point without a starting point, orders will be optimized according to the endpoint.
4. Add ending point task for vehicle
'Add ending point task for vehicle' checkbox enabling means the 'Preferred ending point for trip' will be displayed on the last task tile under the 'Task List' for better visibility.

5. Hide on VRP
'Hide on VRP' checkbox enabling means, this vehicle will no longer appear under VRP (VIP Routing Planning) for planning visibility of vehicle details. For more details about VRP, follow this article: [What is VRP? How can I read the "VRP" article in a sequential manner] [Coming Soon]

6. Make visible for drivers with the role 'Choose trip'
"Make visible for drivers with the role 'Choose trip'" checkbox enabling means, this vehicle's 'task list' will be visible only to vehicles with the role access of 'Choose trip'. This means that vehicles from the mobile application can view and assign task lists from this vehicle if they have no tasks assigned. For more details, see [what is 'Choose trip' role][Coming soon].

7. 'Start times' and 'Start day before'
Setting the 'start times' means that the driver is required to strictly start trips according to the specified time. You can set the Start times differently for each day of the entire week.
'Start day before' option means that if you select this checkbox for a specific day, the start time the same time will be implemented the day before. For example, if you select 'Start day before for Tuesday, it will be implemented starting from Monday. You don't need to select it for Monday separately.

Related Articles
How to change 'Hub Location' for a vehicle as default
How to change 'Start Point Location' for a vehicle as default
How to set or change 'End Point Location' for a vehicle as default
How to enable 'end point location' for visibility on the task tile
How to hide a vehicle for VRP
How to enable the 'task list' of a vehicle for 'Choose trip' role vehicles
How to set any day's 'Start times' for any vehicle
How to set 'Start times' to begin from the previous day
How to create one or more duplicates of any vehicle at once
Check the app's status here. If you can't access Dropboy, chat or report issues
Updated on: 10/06/2024
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