Articles on: Users

How to create a user

This guide offers a quick overview of how to create users.

For user creation, it is necessary to have admin roles. If you do not have admin roles, please contact Dropboy for further assistance.


Open the web portal and log in.

If unfamiliar, follow this article: How to login in to the Dropboy web application

Navigate to the Settings tab, then select the Users sub-tab. Click on the + button.

"Create user" form will be displayed.

Name (Enter user name).

'Prefix'(Enter country code) and 'Phone number'(Enter remaining digits of the phone number)

Email (Enter user email).

Select Set password checkbox, enter a password in the field. If unchecked, an auto-generated password will be emailed to the user. Custom password must meet criteria.

Select desired role checkboxes. Multiple roles can be assigned to a user. Refer to the roles article for more information.

Admin: Understanding the admin roles
Admins have full access in the web portal for dashboard, order, task management, dispatching, operations (including trays, terminals, routing rules, and order uploads), and settings (users, vehicles, locations, networks and company etc).

Basic user: Understanding the basic user roles
Basic users have limited access, including order management, task management, certain operation tasks (such as uploading orders), and specific setting tasks (such as managing locations).

Dispatcher: Understanding the dispatcher roles
In addition to basic user functions, dispatchers have additional accessibility for dispatching tasks, operations (terminals, trays, routing rules), and vehicle settings.

Driver: Understanding the driver roles
The driver role is specifically designed for the mobile application, where drivers can use the app to pick up and deliver orders.

Select Send email checkbox to send custom password to user via email (Please note that this assumes you have entered a custom password).

Click Save button to create the user.

Related Articles:
How to edit the details of a user
How to view the details of created users
How to search users
How to delete a user

Check the app's status here. If you can't access Dropboy, chat or report issues

Updated on: 15/05/2024

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