Understanding about 'bundling' checkboxes
..This guide provides a quick overview and understanding about bundling checkboxes condtion you can select during the creation of a tray.
Bundling checkboxes are very useful because when you have multiple orders with the same location and company name, it will bundle those orders and then assign them to a vehicle.

'Bundle pickups:'
If you select 'Bundle pickups', your tray will first examine all pickup orders individually. If it finds any orders with the same location and company name, it will bundle them together and then assign them to the vehicle.

''Bundle deliveries:'
If you select 'Bundle deliveries', your tray will first examine all deliveries orders individually. If it finds any orders with the same location and company name, it will bundle them together and then assign them to the vehicle.

You can choose both bundle pickups/deliveries options simultaneously.

Related Articles:
Understanding about 'assignment time' condtions
Understanding about 'Assign using selected time window' condtions
Understanding about 'trip optimizing' conditions
Here is the article that contains the step-by-step tray articles you can follow and learn from:
What are the features of the "Trays" tab? How can I read the "Trays" article sequentially
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Bundling checkboxes are very useful because when you have multiple orders with the same location and company name, it will bundle those orders and then assign them to a vehicle.
There are two bundling checkboxes: 'Bundle pickups' and 'Bundle deliveries.'

'Bundle pickups:'
If you select 'Bundle pickups', your tray will first examine all pickup orders individually. If it finds any orders with the same location and company name, it will bundle them together and then assign them to the vehicle.

''Bundle deliveries:'
If you select 'Bundle deliveries', your tray will first examine all deliveries orders individually. If it finds any orders with the same location and company name, it will bundle them together and then assign them to the vehicle.

You can choose both bundle pickups/deliveries options simultaneously.

Related Articles:
Understanding about 'assignment time' condtions
Understanding about 'Assign using selected time window' condtions
Understanding about 'trip optimizing' conditions
Here is the article that contains the step-by-step tray articles you can follow and learn from:
What are the features of the "Trays" tab? How can I read the "Trays" article sequentially
Check the app's status here. If you can't access Dropboy, chat or report issues
Updated on: 30/10/2023
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