Articles on: Networks

How can the invitees (Logistic Company) accept or decline an invitation

This guide offers a quick overview of how can the invitees (Logistic Company) accept or decline an invitation.


To establish a network connection with an order monitoring company, the logistic company must first register on the Dropboy portal using the invitation link received via email. This article guides the invitor on accepting an invitation through the registration process. While the platform may vary, I'll illustrate the steps using Gmail as an example. When the logistic company receives an email in their Gmail account, they can follow these instructions.


Click on the link "Click here to sign up and automatically connect to the Orders Monitoring Company."

Follow the steps outlined in the article: How to sign up on the Dropboy web portal

After signing up, proceed log in.

If unfamiliar, follow this article: How to login in to the Dropboy web application![]

Navigate to the Settings tab, then select the Network sub-tab.

The option My private network is selected by default

Click anywhere within the network area.

Two buttons are visible: 'Accept' and 'Decline'. Choose accordingly.

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How can I view the list of my accepted network requests
How to make a new contract
How to accept or decline contract request
How to check the contract status after creation
How to remove connection from network detail screen
How to download the contract PDF file
How to view the details of your network company
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How to search grouped networks under the networks list
How can I edit and delete any group

How to copy the contract ID

What are the features of the "Networks" tab? How can I read the "Networks" article sequentially

Check the app's status here. If you can't access Dropboy, chat or report issues

Updated on: 15/05/2024

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