Articles on: Quick Onboarding Process

Quick Getting Started with Dropboy Web Application

This guide offers a quick getting started with the Dropboy web application.


Dropboy offers a 'Quick Getting Started with Dropboy Web Application' guide to help new users quickly understand the platform. When you first access Dropboy, the range of features might seem overwhelming. This guide will help you follow a specific sequence to efficiently grasp the platform.

Spend 10 minutes on this article to understand the Dropboy Web Application. Follow it step-by-step and explore links as needed.

Main Agenda:

Introducing dispatching
Assigning orders to the driver/vehicle task list
Set up the task sequence under the Task List
Move Task Between Vehicles
Send them back to the Unassigned List
Order/Task Details and History Overview
Introducing the driver app
Viewing driver progress on the dispatching web application
Uploading orders


► After Sign Up and Sign In: You will land on the Dispatching tab.

Explore Basic Navigation: Get familiar with basic navigation before using the Dispatching tab.

To learn more about basic navigation, follow this article: How to learn 'Basic Navigation' of the web Dropboy application

Introducing dispatching:

Unassigned List: Displays orders not yet assigned to any vehicle or driver.

To navigate the unassigned list, follow this article: How can I view the "Unassigned" orders list
To enable and hide unassigned orders on the map, follow this article: How to enable or hide pinpointed addresses of any 'Unassigned Orders' list on the map
To explore all other lists, follow this article: What are the different 'Unassigned Orders', and what do they mean?
This article will guide you to learn in sequence and in depth: What is the 'Unassigned Orders' section under the Dispatching Tab? How can I read the in this section articles sequentially

Assigning orders to the driver/vehicle task list:

Assigning Order from 'Unassigned Orders List' to Any Vehicle/Driver 'Task List'

Select the checkbox to choose all or specific orders.

Drag orders to your preferred driver/vehicle.

Follow this article for a detailed guide on assigning orders to drivers/vehicles using drag-and-drop: How to assign orders to a vehicle from the 'Unassigned Orders' list using the drag-and-drop feature

Viewing the Driver/Vehicle 'Task List' After Assigning Orders

Their stop numbers display on the map. On the map, view stop numbers and paths to easily follow the route.

After assigning tasks, the vehicle's 'task list' displays all orders.

To learn about other features of the Task list in detail, follow this article: What is 'Tasks List' section under the Dispatching Tab? How can I read the in this section articles sequentially

Set up the task sequence under the Task List:

Set the Task Sequence Under Task List Using Drag Drop Feature

Click the order tile and move it up or down, e.g., move "Demo-Hub-01" above "Demo-Hub-03."

After moving and releasing the click, check the sequence change and map for path updates.

To learn about: Why should I set the sequence of 'Tasks List'
To learn about: How to re-arrange order sequence manually in the 'Tasks List'

Update Task Sequence Using Stop Numbers on Map

Click on any stop number, such as Stop 3 on the map, and you'll notice that the task for this stop is "Demo-Hub-03."

A new list shows the selected stop task, which you can drag to the main list to change the sequence.

Click the task tile and move it in the main task list. For example, place it after 'Demo-Hub-02'.

After moving and releasing the click, check the sequence change and map for path updates.

To zoom in/out, follow this article: How can I zoom in and out the map
Path are visible by default. To disable these lines, follow this article: How to enable or disable trips path or lines on the map
To learn about other map features in detail and in proper sequence, follow this article: What is 'Map' section under the Dispatching Tab? How can I read the in this section articles sequentially

Move Task Between Vehicles:

Transfer Task Between Vehicles

Click the task tile of 'Demo-Hub-03' and move it on any vehicle. For example, 'Demo-Vehicle-2' .

After moving and releasing the click, the order will disappear from the task list, and the stop number will be removed from the map.

Click on the vehicle to open it and check that the task has moved.

To learn about without drag and drop feature. follow this article: How to assign orders to another vehicle from the 'Tasks List'
To learn about more follow this article: How to assign orders to another 'Vehicle' from the 'Tasks List' using the drag-and-drop feature

Send them back to the Unassigned List:

Unassigning Orders: Moves them back to the Unassigned List.

Click the 'Demo-Hub-03' task tile and move it to any list, such as the 'Unassigned List.'

After moving and releasing the click, the order will be unassigned and appear in the unassigned list. If it's the only order, the task list will be empty.

To learn about manually unassign task follow this article: How to unassign orders from the 'Tasks List'
To learn about different unassigned lists in detail and in proper sequence, follow this article: What are the different 'Unassigned Orders', and what do they mean?
To learn about all other features associated with unassigned orders in proper sequence, follow this article: What is the 'Unassigned Orders' section under the Dispatching Tab? How can I read the in this section articles sequentially

Order/Task Details and History Overview:

Viewing Orders/Tasks Details and History

Order vs. Task: An 'Unassigned List' item is referred to as an order. Once assigned to a Driver/Vehicle, it becomes a task.
For example, I'm clicking on the 'Demo-Hub-1' task tile where a green tick is shown.

A new page will open, showing the Order/Task details and history.

Introducing the driver app:

Download the mobile application from the Playstore/Appstore

To learn about mobile application, follow this article: Dropboy App Guide

Viewing driver progress on the dispatching web application:

Driver Progress

When a driver completes a task through the mobile application, the task appears as complete in the task list.
Open the task list of that driver to see the completed task.

Below are additional features. If you spend five more minutes, you'll get an idea about:

Adding Vehicles
Adding Users
Adding New Tasks
Trays Setup
Routing Rules and Network features
Location Setup
Company & Profile Details Setup
Notification Setup

Adding Vehicles:

Adding Vehicles to the 'Vehicle List'

Here you will see your vehicle list. This is an example of one vehicle. you can create more vehicles,

To create more vehicles, follow this article for more details: How to create a vehicle
To learn about other features of the vehicle management process in proper sequence, follow this article for more details: What is vehicle features? How can I read the "Vehicle" article in a sequential manner?

Adding Users:

Adding Driver User for Vehicles

There is a driver user associated with the vehicle (if you look below the vehicle name). This is the driver you assigned to the vehicle, responsible for picking up and delivering tasks using this vehicle.

To add a new driver user for a new vehicle, follow this article for more details: How to create a user
Dropboy provides other user roles besides the driver. To learn about different user roles with detailed articles in proper sequence, follow this article: How do user roles function? How can I read the "User roles" article in a sequential manner?

Adding New Orders

Adding Orders to the 'Unassigned List'

This is the unassigned orders list where all your uploaded or manually created orders are shown. From this list, you will assign orders to a vehicle/driver. An order becomes a task when it is assigned. Therefore, unassigned orders are referred to as orders, and once assigned, they are called tasks.

To upload orders/tasks from the unassigned list, follow this article: How to quickly upload orders via xls

To learn about different unassigned lists in detail and in proper sequence, follow this article: What are the different 'Unassigned Orders', and what do they mean?
To learn about manual task creation, follow this article: How to create an order manually
To learn about all other features associated with unassigned orders in proper sequence, follow this article: What is the 'Unassigned Orders' section under the Dispatching Tab? How can I read the in this section articles sequentially

Trays Setup:

Trays List Under 'Unassigned List'

Here you can see different tray lists. Trays are an important feature that helps automate your order assignment process. Default trays are created, and any new tray you create will also appear here.

To add a new tray under the unassigned list, follow this article: How to create tray
To learn about the concept of trays and other features, follow this article: What are the features of the "Trays" tab? How can I read the "Trays" article sequentially

Routing Rules and Network feature:

These advanced features require detailed understanding and proper sequence.

Routing Rules:

Routing rules are a powerful feature that automates the order assignment process by allowing you to create rules based on conditions. When an order is sent to routing rules, the system automatically checks if conditions are met and assigns the order accordingly.

This article covers routing rules from scratch. Follow it for more details: What are the features of the "Routing Rules" tab? How can I read the "Routing Rules" articles sequentially


The network feature allows you to add sub-companies or separate departments handling different services. You can manage these in dropboy accordingly.

This article covers the networks feature from scratch in detail. Follow it for more information: What are the features of the "Networks" tab? How can I read the "Networks" article sequentially

Location Setup:


Location is a crucial feature for defining driver start and end points, as well as for other optimization needs.

To add locations, follow this article: How to create places
For a detailed understanding of why locations are needed and the proper sequence, refer to this article: What is Locations? And how can I read the locations article sequentially?

Company & Profile Details Setup:

Company Details

You can set up company details and other settings at the company level. These settings will impact all users across the company.

To set up company details, follow this article: How to enter company details and configure settings
For more details on other preferences and proper sequence, refer to this article: What does the Company tab and how can I read the article in a sequential manner

Profile Details

Set up your profile details here.

To learn how to set up profile details, follow this article: How to enter profile details

Notification Setup:

Notification Customization

Here you can set up all types of notifications according to your needs.

To learn about notifications, follow this article: How can i read article sequentically to set up the profile details and preferences

Check the app's status here. If you can't access Dropboy, chat or report issues

Updated on: 27/08/2024

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